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How Faslet increased CVR by 7.32 %



Soccerfanshop has come a long way since its inception in 2008, starting as a small one-man internet shop with storage and shipping in an upstairs room. Over the years, they've grown into a professional company with a dedicated team. Today, they offer an extensive range of more than 30 different brands. Soccerfanshop is the go-to destination for top-notch soccer apparel and accessories, both in-store and online.

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The challenge

In the quest to elevate their conversion rate (CVR) and transform visitors into devoted customers, Soccerfanshop embraced a daring challenge. They ventured into unexplored territory, offering personalized size recommendations through an A/B test, determined to revolutionize the online shopping experience for soccer enthusiasts worldwide.


To optimise our customers’ shopping experience, we embarked on a strategic A/B test, dividing them into two distinct groups. Group A was not provided access to our innovative “Size Me Up” solution. At the same time, Group B had the privilege of utilising it. This meticulous approach allowed us to carefully evaluate the impact of “Size Me Up” on our users, enabling data-driven decisions to further enhance customer satisfaction and engagement.

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The analysis revealed an impressive 7.32% increase in CVR, indicating improved customer satisfaction with a significance level of 95%. Providing online shoppers with confidence in their sizings evidently contributes to CVR growth, underscoring the importance of personalized experiences in driving key performance indicators.

Empowering shoppers with confidence in their sizings not only boosts conversion rates but also showcases the true essence of customer-centricity. In the realm of data-driven decisions, understanding the impact of personalised experiences is the key to unlocking unparalleled growth and success. ,
Fabian Matthee, (Project Manager at Soccerfanshop)