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How you and I can reduce our carbon footprint at home

The end of the month is near, which means that we are slowly wrapping up the topic of sustainability. At the beginning of the month, we shared several ways to shop sustainably and inexpensively. In last week’s blog, we talked about how fashion retailers can reduce their carbon footprint. Haven’t read them yet? Click here

This week, we are going to discuss how you and I can do this at home. Buckle up!

  1. Same destination? Drive together!

    Next to the fashion-industry and agriculture, Transport is one of the biggest polluters. By walking, taking public transportation and carpooling you will not only reduce carbon emissions, but also lessen traffic congestion and the idling of engines that comes along. No smog, nice fresh air. What’s else to say?

  2. Grow your own produce

    Eat low on the food chain and try to eat as much from your own produce as possible. Creating a small vegetable garden at home or on your balcony is better for the environment than we think. It’s fun and educational for children and you won’t get fresher food on your plate! Less meat and dairy reduce so much greenhouse gas emissions. If you find it difficult to cut down meat, you could start by joining Meatless Monday, and build your way up. No pesticides on your food, less food transportations, less pollution, less emissions, greater taste. Win after win after win.

  3. Reuse

    In one of our previous blogs, we shared sustainable and affordable ways of shopping. Reusing doesn’t always have to be about clothing. Products that you can only use once, especially when they contain plastic, always end up in landfills or oceans. Lucky for us, there are organizations such as The Ocean Cleanup, who dedicate their time for a clean, plastic-free ocean. To help them, we can start reusing at home! Buy reusable bottles and straws, shopping bags, toothbrushes made from bamboo, etc. Save the turtles. 

  4. Energy saved is energy generated

    There are many ways to reduce your footprint at home, such as turning off standby appliances completely after use, turning down the heat and hanging up your clothes instead of putting them in the dryer. But also, simple things you and I would never think of, such as changing incandescent light bulbs and turning down your water heater. If you do an energy audit at home, you’ll be shocked to see how much energy you waste.

    Just a few, simple tips that require little effort or financial investment. What are you waiting for?